Silicon is the most abundant element in the world after oxygen, bringing 25% of the earth’s mantle to the pitch. The crystalline figure in the land is called “quartz”. Silicone is one of the important compounds of this element which is present in excess in nature. Silicone is semi-solid, semi-vaseline consistency. It is used as a high quality machine oil because of its oil property and non-burning.
Frederick Stanley Kipping, Professor of the University of Nottingham in England, gave this name to Silicon. The interesting qualities and characteristics of silicon originate from various basic properties of the silicon atom. The symbol (Si), which is atomic weight 28.06, can be compared to a carbon atom whose atomic weight is 12.01. But carbon and silicon atoms are different electronic structures. The carbon atom has six electrons and the silicon atom has fourteen electrons.
Silicone is a modern material that is widely used and has great value. Among the distinctive characteristics of this material is the high temperature and resistance to oxygen which must be said first.
Take, for example, silicon dimethylpolysiloxane. This silicon compound can be heated to a temperature of 360-400 C without any irregularity in the silicone polymer chain. Silicon is stable to ozone as much as oxygen. In general, all methyl-based silicone compounds have an unshakable resistance to ozone. On the other hand, the stability and resistance to ozone effect of phenyle based silicone compounds are noticeably low.
Due to the above mentioned qualities, silicon is of great importance in the dying of exothermic exhaust pipes which are exposed to high temperature. It is also useful in the construction of bath containers, bathtubs, which are used for scientific purposes, which are still subjected to high temperature effects. As we have mentioned above, silicon is still used for lubrication of the machines in the parts of the hot, high temperature effect.
The 30,000 volt required for color displays on modern TV devices can be controlled with silicon-based insulation tires.